We made our first trip to Fayetteville this weekend. Since we have an extra day off from work and school, I thought this would be a good time to take the kids with us. Mom made the trip with us and after a few hours of tailgating, she took all the kids back to the condo and watched them during the game. (Thanks again, Mom!) We came home around 11pm to find all 5 of them asleep on the sofa bed downstairs.
Evan hasn't been away from his mom or grandma very much, but he did well staying with Fisch. Will asked Jennifer before we got there if we called her "Fish" because she liked to swim. (Funny since she hates getting wet!) The kids actually did really well all weekend.
The Hogs, however, got off to a rough start. Even though we won the game, it wasn't pretty. Looks like we're in for a long season.
The five year olds - Nathan and Will
Jeff bravely took all four kids for a walk around campus before game time. He even took pictures!