I was just telling Jeff tonight that I'm a little bit sad that this will be our last Christmas with a baby in the house. I'm not rethinking anything, just a little sad about it. One thing that I will not miss is the drama of trying to take a Christmas card picture. We tried again Wednesday afternoon. Everyone was in a good mood...the weather was nice...it seemed perfectly reasonable to set out on my own (again) with a toddler and a 5 year old to try to capture the perfect shot. However, the session ended with lots of crying and screaming (again) and a few mediocre pictures. Here's one that is deceptively cute. While it looks like the kids are walking together and holding hands, Nathan is actually dragging Ashley up the hill while I'm screaming, "Go to the car!" I'm holding on to the unrealistic hope that it will be easier next year when they are 2 and 6. Here's hoping!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Road Hogs
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Men at Work

After we enjoyed our Thanksgiving Eve meal, I took full advantage of our friends and shamelessly asked them to haul in our big Christmas tree from under the house. When we moved into this house (7 years ago next week), we had a wimpy little 6 ft. tree from our apartment days. I went overboard the next year and bought a 9 1/2 ft. pre-lit tree. It weighs about a thousand pounds, and we affectionately refer to it as "Big Bertha". We (I mean, Jeff)drags it out every year, and then we struggle to hoist the middle piece on to the base without killing ourselves or breaking the window. This usually starts our first fight of the holiday season! So, thanks again guys! Next time you come over, I promise not to put you to work.
Little Deer Chief
Thanksgiving Eve
Ashley's first real Thanksgiving dinner

We celebrated our favorite holiday (Thanksgiving Eve) a little differently this year. A storm knocked out the power at Mom & Dad's house about 3 o'clock this afternoon, so we changed our venue and met at our house. We frantically cleaned up and finished our dinner preparations just in time. We had a great time and good food (LOTS of good food!) As is tradition in the Fischer family, we wrote on the tablecloth what we were each thankful for. It's always nice to look back and see who has gathered around our table over the years.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Flying Fish
The Fowlkes were in town Saturday for the game, and we all went to the Flying Fish afterward. The boys did really well at the game, but they were getting a little crazy by dinnertime. These pictures were taken shortly after Nathan dared Will to kiss one of the fish on the wall. I'm afraid these two are going to get into a lot of trouble in the next few years!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
At age 5, Nathan is learning about blogging. He loves to look at the pictures and wanted to post a video message for his cousins:
(Not Quite) Picture Perfect
"Nathan, look at the camera."
"Ashley...Ashley, look at Mommy."
"Nathan, look at the camera and put your hands down."
"Ashley...Ashley, look at Mommy."
"Nathan, I said 'Put your hands down'!"
"Ashley...Ashley, look at Mommy. I've got a leaf on my head!"
Oh well! We'll try again another day!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Another trip to the zoo
We bought season passes to the LR Zoo last spring, so we go all the time. Not that the zoo is that great, but the kids love it and pushing a stroller laden with 70 lbs. of kids and gear is great exercise! So last week, Mom, Renee, and I took all the kids. Even though we were at the zoo, you will not see any pictures of animals because I have stopped taking pictures of the same ol' elephants and gorillas everytime we go. They do have an old/new carousel at the entrance of the zoo. It is restored antique carousel and is worth the extra 2 bucks per person.
One Spiderman Short
We were so excited that all of the kids would be together for Halloween this year, but unfortunately, Jeremiah was sick and did not get to go trick-or-treating. The rest of us went and had a good time. Nathan was Spiderman, Brandon was Spiderman, and Micah was also Spiderman. Jeremiah was supposed to be Spideman as well. Brandon carried 2 bags and filled one for himself and one for "sick Spiderman". Mikayla finally settled on being a cheerleader (her 4th costume choice of the day), and Ashley was Tinkerbell.
Happy Birthday to you, and you, and you...
So we had a birthday party for all the fall birthday kids while Renee and her family were home. Mom and Dad (a.k.a. Fisch and Papa) got the all kids a Gator. Not a real, live "gator" (though it might not be out of the question at their house), but a motorized John Deere Gator. They had so much fun!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Homecoming
Group Birthday Party
Nathan made a paper chain last month. It was very long, and every night we pulled off a ring to countdown to the "big day". You might think it was to countdown to his birthday or Halloween, but actually we were counting the days until the Johnsons came home for a 2 week visit. We packed in as much activity as a family with 7 kids ages five and under could manage. (And sometimes it was a little more than we could manage!) All the Johnson kids (Jeremiah almost 5, Micah 3, and Lily 3 months) were sick at some point during the trip, so they made at least 2 trips to see their old pediatrician Dr. Weed this visit. In spite of the illnesses, we had a good visit.Moomba Maze
October Recap
So, October is a fast and furious month for us. Between birthdays, football games, and Halloween/Fall parties, it is pretty much a blur. One major event was Nathan turning 5. Yes, five! It is hard to believe that I have been a mother for over 5 years now. Here is picture of Nate on the morning of his birthday with his new bike.
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